Monday, April 26, 2010

Koko ni Iru yo VS Aishiteru

Sebenarnya tidak terlalu tertarik mendengarkan lagu-lagu Jepang. Dari dulu yang ku suka lagu Jepang cuma First Love nya Utada Hikaru saja. Tidak terpikir oleh ku juga untuk memasukkan lagu2 Jepang ke blog musik aku. Kalau lah suatu saat ku ingin memasukkan lagu2 Asia, pertama kali yang ku posting pastinya Utada Hikaru dunkz.

Tapi gak tau kenapa, ketika ada salah satu pengunjung blog musik aku ada yang request lagu2 Jepang, trus ada yang memberikan komentar tentang lagu Aishiteru nya Zhifilia, ku jadi penasaran nih pengen denger lagu Koko ni Iru yo yang dia bilang dijiplak oleh Zhifilia.

Dan tidak aku sangka2 ternyata lagunya keren bo’, suka banget deh. Yang bikin beda dengan lagu2 Jepang pada umumnya, lagu Koko ni Iru yo ini merupakan lagu R/B yang diselingi dengan rap. Mungkin karena penyanyinya pernah tinggal di Amerika jadi terpengaruh juga lagu ciptaannya bergaya seperti Eminem, Dido’s Stan, Puff Daddy’s (back in the day), dan Faith Evans (I’ll be missing you).

Sumpah, keren banget. Saking sukanya akhirnya lagu Koko ni Iru yo by Soulja feat Aoyama Thelma inilah yang pertama ku posting di blog musik aku, Utada Hikaru nya menyusul deh…. He…he…

Bagi yang nggak ngerti bahasa Jepang, coba deh lihat lirik lagu Koko ni Iru yo dalam bahasa Inggris dibawah ini. Enjoy it guys… it’s really cool, trust me…

"Koko ni Iru yo" (I'm Here) in English :

Baby boy, I’m here, I won’t go anywhere, I’ll be waiting for you
You know that I love you, and that’s why you don’t need to worry
No matter how far apart we are, my love won’t change
You know what I mean, right?
I’m waiting for you (waiting for you)

Me, so clumsy, and you, far away
While I was unable to tell you how I felt, you said it
Now you remain only in my album
These days we can only meet via the airwaves, but I can’t see your smile
Your warmth, the smell of your hair; as the days went by
My thirst for you was unquenched, and I searched desperately for a trace of you
On the road I often walked down with you, the only sound now was my footsteps
But enough of that, how are you? Are you eating properly?
Dammit, I just can’t say it
I’ll send you another letter from me soon

Baby boy, I’m here, I won’t go anywhere, I’ll be waiting for you
You know that I love you, and that’s why you don’t need to worry
No matter how far apart we are, my love won’t change
You know what I mean, right?
I’m waiting for you (waiting for you)

I saw you on the sand dunes in Kamakura; the words I wanted to say were swallowed up in the waves
This is really painful; I’m a guy…so why won’t the words come?
Do you remember? When I was at karaoke with you
The words to the song I picked were on the screen
The truth was, I wanted to tell you
The day we got together, just the two of us, for the first time
We played around like we met by chance
I wanted to say “I can’t forget your smile”
But I got pretty off-topic, huh? You get what I want to say, right?
Shit, I’ve run out of space to write
Sorry, next time I’ll definitely send it

Baby boy, I’m here, I won’t go anywhere, I’ll be waiting for you
You know that I love you, and that’s why you don’t need to worry
No matter how far apart we are, my love won’t change
You know what I mean, right?
I’m waiting for you (waiting for you)

If I was richer, if I had a more serious job
If I’d been able to suffer through everything, I know I could…
But please, don’t get the wrong idea, I don’t want to make you lonely, but
I’m busy so I can’t really talk, but
Baby believe kore wa all for our future
But to be honest, I want to see you right now, I want to hold you right now
Now there’s nobody sitting in that seat where you used to sit next to me…
Well, that’s no biggie, that wasn’t what I wanted to say
It’s probably too late, but I’ll pour out the words I’ve been wanting to say all this time, and send it to you, my unsent letter

Baby girl, I’m here, I won’t go anywhere, I’ll be waiting for you
You know that I love you, and that’s why you don’t need to worry
No matter how far apart we are, my love won’t change
You know what I mean, right?
I’m waiting for you (waiting for you)

Baby boy, I’m here, I won’t go anywhere, I’ll be waiting for you
You know I love you, and that’s why you don’t need to worry
No matter how far apart we are, my love won’t change
Now I can come out and say it
I don't ever wanna let you go


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